Seattle Public Schools

Mental Health Program

Asian American Resources


以下是致力于支持青年的组织名单, individuals, 以及亚裔美国人社区的家庭. 这份清单涵盖了包括心理健康在内的各种各样的支持, domestic violence, refugee support, cultural connection opportunities, youth programs, and multicultural healthcare services. 下面你会发现支持许多身份的广泛组织和与Cham合作的重点社区护理支持, Burma refugees, Filipino, Hmong, Indian, Khmer, Korean, Mongolian, and Vietnamese populations. Note: This is not an encompassing list.

Crisis Lines

API Chaya是一个总部位于西雅图的组织,旨在结束API社区的暴力. It includes a Queer Network Program, 哪个组织致力于让美国API LGBTQ社区参与解决和预防亲密伴侣暴力. 1-877-922-4292/206-325-0325(求助热线8-4 M-F)

Crisis Connections(24/7):危机呼叫热线,为个人提供即时帮助, families, and friends of people in emotional crisis. 危机热线有100多种语言版本,并提供短信支持, chat, and Teen Link. 206-461-3222

Crisis Text Line(24/7):危机短信热线24/7提供任何痛苦的情绪或你需要支持的时候. Available in over 100 languages. Text HOME to 741-741

Health and Wellness Supports

Asian Counseling and Referral Service总部设在西雅图的一个组织,提供一系列广泛的行为健康项目, human services, recovery services, employment, 为亚裔美国人提供青年领导力和公民参与活动, Pacific Islanders, 以及金县及其他地区的其他社区. 206-695-7600

Asian Mental Health Collective: Has a wide variety of resources, a APISAA Therapist Directory, 还包括倾听会议和通过Facebook上微妙的亚洲心理健康小组提供的额外资源.

Chinese Information & Service Center:通过提供信息,帮助金县的移民在新的社区取得成功, referral, advocacy, social, and support services. Has civic engagement, early childhood education, youth development, family support, senior and disabled adult services, and healthcare access. 206-624-5633

International Community Health Services提供负担得起的保健医疗服务, full dental care, behavioral health, medication assisted treatment, Chinese traditional medicine, nutrition counseling, Women, Infants & 儿童(WIC)支持、正规买足球的App、健康教育、药房、眼保健和健康老龄化 & wellness. 深深扎根于亚洲和太平洋岛民社区. 206-788-3700

MultiCare Asian Counseling Services在塔科马的亚洲咨询中心提供广泛的服务. Includes individual, group, and family mental health support, 协助申请公共项目, help accessing community resources, 为家庭暴力和其他犯罪的受害者提供免费咨询. 提供三种亚洲语言服务:柬埔寨语,越南语和韩语. 253-697-8120

Community Supports

Cham Refugees Community:服务占族人口和新来的东非难民, Iraq and Burma (Rohingya). Through its case management services, 占族难民社区帮助低收入者, 有限的说英语的客户,以满足所有的社会服务需求, including: System navigation; referral services; family support services including youth programs and senior services; and cultural services such as language classes and community events. 206-829-8300

缅甸难民联盟:缅甸难民联盟(CRB)通过帮助所有重新安置的难民获得服务和教育机会,促进他们的自给自足, while preserving traditional customs. 提供早期学习,青年计划和家庭支持计划. 206-860-5939

Filipino Community of Seattle:服务于西雅图周边地区的菲律宾人和其他社区. Has senior services, community food bank, youth services, anti-human trafficking, anti-gender-based violence advocacy, social, arts, and cultural programs, and Filipino Community Village. 206-722-9872

Hmong Association of Washington:服务于华盛顿的苗族美国人社区. Has youth programming, food assistance, education promotion, 并支持为苗族人发声. 206-651-5480

Indian-American Community ServicesIACS通过项目为印第安人社区服务, services, 并倡导所有年龄和生命阶段的人. Has programs for seniors, early childhood, women, youth, civic engagement, mental health, crisis care, and holds community centers. 253-234-9989

Kandelia (原越南友协):Kandelia提供直接项目, connections to community resources, 解决系统性不平等的工具,使移民和难民家庭和社区能够在不妥协价值观的情况下茁壮成长, heritage or ethnicity. 提供青年计划,家庭计划,和社区参与. Works closely with Seattle World School. 206-760-1573

高棉社区青年参与计划:通过弥合老年人和青年之间的代际差距,增强高棉社区的能力, 通过文化保护和促进福祉. 所有的KSCSKC课程对所有水平和经验的参与者都是免费的. 206-637-5200

Korean Community Service Center:韩国社区服务中心(前身为韩国社区咨询中心). WeKAN旨在通过建立沟通技巧来建立牢固的同龄人和代际关系, 中学生及其照顾者的意识和想象力. 韩国初高中的青少年可以参加每月一次的艺术游戏店, bi-weekly mentoring sessions, 或者与社区成员进行一对一的辅导和指导. 425-776-2400

西澳行为健康韩国妇女协会:提供多元文化、多语言的人性化服务. Helps with navigating social services, providing basic needs, naturalization, health navigation, domestic violence assistance, and behavioral health support. 253-946-1995

Refugee Women’s Alliance:每年通过双语和双文化项目为数以千计的难民和移民提供服务. 提供1 -12年级课外活动, academic support, training, parent workshops and home visits, Post-Secondary Success Program (PSSP), behavioral health, domestic violence, early learning centers, legal services, and more. 206-721-0243

Seattle Mongolian Youth CenterSMYC提供包括语言在内的各种教育项目和合作伙伴关系, art, culture, music instruction, community-based leadership, healthcare, and community-building workshops. 425-286-5758

荣路亚太美国人经验博物馆: Middle School, High School, 以及融入文化的夏令营艺术项目, heritage, and community.

The Youth Healing Project青年康复项目是路线图项目中由青年主导的社区资助项目,为基层组织和青年领袖提供资源和支持,推动由青年主导的改善心理健康的解决方案, 南金县16-24岁年轻人的人际关系和幸福感, Washington. 206-409-6775